Sunday, July 28, 2013

Update: Life and Various topics

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay of posts I have good reasons though. I went to visit my family along with my dad for three weeks. For those who want to know, yes my parents are divorced. So, since I only get to see them during the summer; I've been going consistently for about four years. On and off before then. This is my last summer I spent with them because, I am now a senior. So, I've been planning and getting ready for this busy scheduled year ahead of me. My family is distressed and saddened  about how fast time has flown by, how I'm now about to be let out of the bird cage to fly. I'm a first child, my dad's only child and a first grandchild imagine that kind of toll. Within these three weeks I've messed up as far as lustful thoughts and was upset over it. I couldn't dwell on it, but move on. I've been praying for a heart that lusts for godliness, trusts Him 100% and truly lets Him lead my life. Along with obedience to Him and submissiveness from here on out. To be honest, I wanted to dwell on those lustful thoughts. I knew it was the opposite of what represents God, it was my own desires and my flesh. Which is why I have to kill my own desires and thoughts that aren't Godly and replace it with my Savior. Romans 7 is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Check it out! I've been overwhelmed and super grateful by how Abba has been working in my life; within a little over a year that I've been saved. Along with listening, answering my prayers and over blessing me overall. His Word is a blessing in itself. I know he's always listening and answering prayers, but you(well I) never truly appreciated(took for granted) how giving, considerate, understanding and loving(I could go on) of a God I serve. I love talking about my Father, I love him and he makes me blush and smile of happiness :). I could go on, but I'm gonna cut it short. Thank you guys, thank you for reading and I'll be praying for you.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Insecurity, Society, and Security in Our Maker

Lets face it, we all deal with insecurities about ourselves from time to time. Both males and females, we have those days where we just feel poopy(only word that came to mind). Picking up and out all of our flaws, insecure about how God has made us and comparing yourselves to others. Looking at what society broadcasts as beauty physically, immodestly and lustfully. You see the ads, all of the commercials on anti-aging products, plastic surgery etc,. I'm going to say this as bluntly as possible just to wake you up. There is always going to be someone who looks better than you, but they may lack something that you have in life or internally. It's true someone is always going to look better than you. But, anyone who is in Christ is in fact beautiful regardless of what your human self says. Stop the comparisons, stop it. The more you are in Christ and the more you embed yourself in the truth the more stable and confident you'll be about yourself. Sometimes a part of insecurity is being paranoid and continuation of focusing on your flaws; while thinking negatively. Have you prayed about it, even though He knows. It's just better to go to Abba and ask of his help and security about how he has made you in His image, in Him. Encourage each other, give compliments. Because you never know how much it may brighten someones day!


Using Time Wisely

I feel the need to be transparent with you guys, what's the point of sugar coating anyways? As stated in the previous post I had a one month music fast, but I didn't break in down in detail. I actually fasted from YouTube too. The fast ended today  6/11/13 and I was eager to hear my music when the clock hit 12 o'clock. In fact as I type this I'm listening to "Cliff&Claire by Sho Baraka." It was very exhilarating. You're probably like exhilarating?! Yes exhilarating, because I can appreciate the music even more than I did before and connect better spiritually. Just because the music talks about God, their walk in the faith and trials doesn't mean that it could replace mine/your time reading God's word. Music is just a way of giving praise to God and of course you can praise Him in different ways. During my fast I couldn't listen to my music or Christian music(whatever you want to call it). I could listen to music in the car with other people or with other people who played their own not mine. Some of the music I listened to before I came to Christ, so it was a bit challenge because I'm use to plugging in my earphones to avoid it. Even though I don't have an interest for half of the music I use to listen to, I have those flashback memories of the song and lyrics. So I had to talk to God a lot about not singing the lyrics in my head. I actually got to listen to the lyrics of the songs out today and it goes from decent to terrible. Boasting, pride, greed, lust, the list could go on and then your normal love songs. The fast helped me realize most of all out of everything that I need to use my time wisely. Even though I wasn't occupied with researching new music and artist; I spent more time on facebook and googling normal to non-sense things. I did complete plans on the YouVersion Bible app and read in my Bible, but not as much as I could have. I've started praying about using time wisely, balance in my life and better consistency in people's lives along with my normal 5 finger prayer. I consider myself an introvert, and a little bit of an extrovert sometimes. I communicate when needed or when I want and I enjoy alone time, but I can still hang out with my family and friends. Our electronics can be used for the greater good and the maximum bad. I tend to overdo it with the electronics, I must admit; which is why I pray about what I pray about. I take full responsibility for my actions and sins, because I know what I do so I have to confront myself. You might not be an electronic head, but you may be doing something else. Something else that is taking up time that you could be doing something beneficial with, like reading God's word, serving your community, evangelizing, communicating, building relationships or whatever.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Confronting Yourself about Your Sins

Sin! The big, nasty slobby monster that we fight with as humans. We are natural sinners it's a part of our nature, but that doesn't mean that you should make excuses for your sin. Just because you're saved and you know you're forgiven already. It doesn't mean that you should sin on purpose and then go repent. That is truly hypocritical and it shows that you are taking God for granted. Confront yourself when you notice this pattern of sin in your life, be honest with your self. Most times we get frustrated(well I do) at ourselves when we keep repeating the same sin, we miss something that could have easily stopped us from sinning. If you know something is going to tempt you and lead you to sin then stop, don't do it. Pray for self-control and strength to avoid it, meditate on scripture, talk to someone that can help you and hold you accountable. At the end of the day, we are held accountable for our own sins. Not Satan as we like to blame Him all the time, it is not Satan all the time. It can be yourself that leads you to sin. *Gasp* I just surprised you guys! Conviction is powerful and a blessing to help you realize (insert whatever) and leads you to a certain point in your life. I absolutely love conviction, it helps better me in the faith. I hope this post has opened your eyes. You can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to God because he already knows.

P.S.: If any of you need scriptures to help in your situation, a meditation post or whatever contact me by email or post on my profile.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Writer's Block, School and Updates!

Sorry I've been neglecting you guys! I really haven't had any post that I've felt compelled to write about. I'm out of school, so I should have more time to think and write post more frequently. I've been on my music fast since, the 14th of May it's going to be over on the 11th of June. I've learned during this fast that music had a greater role in my life than I thought it had, that I was actually idolizing my music and that I need to cut out how much I listen to music and communicate more with my family. Looking up the lyrics is the same as listening! But, even though I was on this music fast I went on face book and stuff more than the music I'm fasting from. I need balance and consistency in my life. I find my self on electronics more than reading the Word when it should be vice-versa. Everyday I learn, grow and mature into a greater young woman of God. I hope to help and encourage you guys on your walk with Christ; as much as you all encourage me. Also, sorry if I don't accept your invitations to communities, adds and connections with me a.s.a.p. I try my best to add you all back, accept invitations and communicate back with you all. Hope you understand!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Converse with Me on Social Media

If you guys have any question you want to ask me about my walk with Christ, myself or anything reach me here.---->  Questions may be asked anonymously or not, your choice.

Friday, May 17, 2013


When fasting is thought about food is brought up, because that is what is normally fasted from. Just to let you in on a little secret, that is NOT the only thing that you have to fast from. You should fast from things that consumes your life more than it should and/or is a part of your life more than God. You could even be idolizing it. For example: things like video games, television, music, a website that you use a lot(YouTube?), social media sites and so on. You get the drift right? Things that you do the most of and consumes a lot of your time. During that you could be reading God's Word and/or communicating with Him through prayer. So, whenever you find out what you can fast from; you set how long you're going to fast. From two weeks, to a month, to three week, to how ever long you feel the fast is needed. If you feel like you're going to be tempted by having the app on your phone delete it. If you feel as though having the music on your phone is going to tempt you or in your car take it off. If you feel as though having the video game plugged in is going to temp you as well unplug everything. There are no excuses, stick to the fast and do whatever you have to, to continue on your fast. When you fast you replace God with what you're fasting from and it brings you closer to God and shows Him how committed you are to bettering the relationship. It should be exciting to please God, walking with Christ is not about you, but Him.

So do you have anything you're fasting from? Do you know what is majorly consuming your life? What steps are you going to take to lessen it's grip on your life?


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Physical Sexual Immorality, but what about Spiritual Sexual Immorality?

Often times it is stressed to stay physically pure and away from sexual immorality. My question is what about staying spiritually pure? Why is that more set aside and pushed away, more so than the physical aspects of sexual immorality overall. Being spiritually immoral is the same as being physical, if you're thinking  lustfully or whatever it is you are committing it(sin). What about 1 Corinthians 6 and on? We need to stop making excuses for our sins and be submissive to God. When you're submissive to God it prepares you to be submissive to your future husband or wife. Keeping making war again yourself, flesh and sin. Praying for y'all! Just cause the media exploits sexual materials to everyone and everyone's doing it. It doesn't mean you have to. Stay pure spiritually and physically single or married!

P.S- Keep fighting the good fight, you grow more:)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Spiritual Cancer and Physical Cancer

Enjoy her testimony, through her trial she's content with it all:)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Americanized Christians, Are You One?

  You may think you're on the right path as far as your relationship with Christ. You may not be sure if you're doing what you should be as a Christian. Whatever your case, is God pleased with the way you carry yourself, talk, respond, and act as you say that you are a CHRISTian? Are you sure of your right standing with Him today? When you give your life to Christ you are dying to self and gaining true life in Christ. That day, that moment when you repented. That was the beginning of you turning your back on your sinful ways, not repeating them and letting God transform you into the person that HE wants you to be for HIM. That day, that moment when you got baptized as Paul said in Romans 6:3,4, " 3) Or have you forgotten that we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death? 4) For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we may also live new lives." You were united in his death, foreshadowing the cross, those three nails, and his blood that cleansed us. You are a Christian when Christ is in you. So, have you been ignoring him? Have you just completely dropped your faith? Have you gone back to your sin? Have you stayed in your sin? Having you been surrounding yourself with Christians to hold you accountable? Have you been reading His Word often to learn, grow spiritually, and apply it? Are you the only Christian in your household? Do you just not have the drive to read the Bible? If you've answered yes to any of these questions it's not too late to get back on the narrow path,  or get on. It's not too late to pray about the situation you're in for guidance. It's not too late to pray for the drive to read His Word. What ever your situation it's not too late, just know that you can't do it without God's help and strength. Here's a scenario of the Americanized Christian in the general population and entertainment industry. The typical Americanized Christian claims to believe in God, goes to Church every Sunday they can, and shun's some of the things God does. Oh, I've prayed one time before I'm okay with God right? But, still continues to dwell in their sin. Just because God knows they sin and are forgiven, but are reading too far into the lines; to fit what they want to be as a Christian. They still participate in the activities they did before they met Christ, still use profanity, still gets drinks to get drunk, still parties, still watches porn, still listens to the vulgar/prideful/sexual music, still lusts, still watch what you shouldn't, still gossips, still quarrels, still whatever(you get the point). It's a heart thing, if God is going to change your heart you have to let him. If you harden your heart and don't welcome Him to do his work in you through the Holy Spirit then it was no point in you getting saved. If you let your fleshes desires affect your heart then you're going to continue in that sin. You have to give God your all so you can get all of Him. If you keep bits and pieces of your sins and do some of what God wants you're a Americanized Christian. In order to please Him you have to obey Him. It shouldn't feel like a burden, because Jesus thought of you on that cross, He thought of you as He was lashed, He thought of you as He was mocked, He thought of You. We could've easily not have had an option to go to Heaven or hell and just went to hell. He showed and still shows love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. How hard is it to just obey Him and live as Christ lived?  It is hard, but it's totally worth it. Yes we mess up, but you shouldn't continue to do the same sins over and over again. You can't get into Heaven by Good Works alone, don't feed into that lie. You have to die to yourself and let Christ live in you to remove your burdens, give you peace, cleanse your heart, help you to not fear death, work in you and help you OVERALL!!  Being a Christian through trials and hardships, those are the moments when you should come to God first. Even on your best days, it's often the only times people come to God when they need something or are going through something. It's an everyday thing until He comes back for His people. Not a just when I want to thing. Instead of going to everyone else and then God last, what do you think that looks like to God? It's like you ignored Him and spit in His face when he was there all along. Run to Him in prayer, His Word and you will be guided. Remember God is always there, you just don't acknowledge His presence. Examine yourself, is there anything you can improve? Are you not 100% sure you are saved? Are you unsure of where you would go if you were to die? If Jesus were to come back tomorrow would you think that you've done all you could as far as living out his name, representing Him and sharing Him? Would He be pleased? Are you bearing fruits to show that you are a Christian?

I hope this has brung those who are the Americanized Christian to the reality of it all. Praying for You!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Music: Smile by Jonathan McReynolds

It's not really new, it's just that I'm just now hearing of this song and this artist. He's a really gifted and anointed Man of God. I'm considering posting a song mid week of every other week. Anyways, remember to smile knowing that God has your back. I hope that everyone's day and rest of the week goes well. Enjoy!


Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Different Versions of the Bible

There are KJV's (King James Version), NKJV (New King James Version), ESV (English Standard Version), NLT (New Living Translation) just to name a few. People are stern and set on KJV being the best, accurate and oldest version. That's  just THEIR preference just like you prefer the version you have.  For me I personally like the NLT version better; simply because I find it easier to read and understand. I do have a KJV Bible, but I barely read out of that one. It's good to know that all of these versions are summarized by different theological/biblical scholars. Just know that it is just your decision on which one you like the best. Some are over summarized which is why I don't broaden my Bible version horizons that much. KJV is most aligned with the Hebrew Bible, but KJV is not everyone's preference of Bible choices. If you want the real deal consider a Hebrew Bible, it is harder to read and is of course in Hebrew. If you want to see the Hebrew Bible I'll post a link right here -----> <------ it's the online version. Overall, it's up to you which version to read/use. If you're having a hard time choosing pray about it, pray that God will lead you to finding the perfect version for YOU. Happy Bible shopping:)


Evangelzing, are you equipped?

Yes, yes you are equipped to evangelize, that's one of our various jobs as God's children. I wanted to speak on Evangelizing, as it is throughout the Bible. Such as 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 NLT, stating that Evangelizing/Witnessing is a task that God has given us(his children) to reconcile people to him. Since God was in Christ, so that us sinners could be forgiven. Christ is in us to proclaim his name and just share what Christ has done for us, not forcefully and not demanding to the person who isn't in the faith.  But, with love and if you want to you can even tell them your testimony. Tell them what God has delivered you from, why it affected you, why it was wrong and how you're doing now.  Don't be pushy or aggravating, that will give Christ an worst name than people already make of Him and may even push the person farther away from Christ. Nervousness is normal when it comes to telling people about Christ, it's that make it or break it moment. Before you evangelize pray about it, ALWAYS pray before you try to evangelize. Pray for gentleness, peace, self-control, God's grace to lead you and whatever God feels you need to do so. Remember that if a person doesn't give their life to Christ that they maybe aren't meant to or not at that moment. Also, remember that you CAN NOT save the person, CHRIST is the only one that can change their heart. Enjoy this video on evangelizing!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Scripture, Applications, and Spiritually Connecting

When it comes to God's word reading it, applying it, meditating on it and connecting with it, it becomes confusing. Made up of 66 books, the Old Testament being the prophesies and stories of men like Solomon, Saul and Abraham. While the New Testament is helping you out, telling you how to live the Christian life, with the apostles/servants of Christ talking to you and overall warning you of certain situations. Many do not know where to start. So, I'm going to let you know that you can start anywhere. Me personally I started with Genesis and went all over the place. From Genesis to Corinthians to Ephesians to Revelations to Acts and so on. As I read and came upon what books I really like, I developed a pattern on how to read and learn. I highlight and take really short notes to summarize the verse/s and familiarize myself with it. Say for instance I went to James read all of it and highlighted most of everything that hit me, is useful and that I will need. Knowing that you are or maybe will go through something similar about holding your tongue, faith and coming closer to God. Using different color highlighters is a good idea, along with meditating on it if you are having trouble with holding your tongue. So that when a moment comes when you want to say what's on your mind that scripture comes to mind and you think before you say it. As for Old Testament I remember the stories from when I was younger and my private school teachers would read the stories. I get a reminder when I go back and read, along with reading the stories to my brother and sister. I'm really bad at reading the Old Testament, so I'm challenging myself to read the Old Testament. I've of course read Psalms(some of it), Proverbs(most of it), Ecclesiastes, Isaiah and Job.From now to however long it takes to finish reading it. I've tackled reading the little books like Ezekiel-Malachi that no one really reads. I try reading as often as I can, daily if possible. I have a Bible app on my phone that has daily verses that I read, write down and go back and highlight in my Bible if it's really impacting. They also have plans that you can read on an array of topics, the app is called YouVersion. So, if you are still having a hard time reading the bible; pray about it. Pray that good opens your mind and heart, grants you the determination and self control to read His word. God Bless:)


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Gospel in Four Minutes

What is the Gospel you ask? Well, poet Propaganda, explains it brilliantly in great detail in a short amount of time. His love for The Lord is very great, enjoy!

Friday, March 1, 2013

New Music

  Hi, everyone as you know I usually don't post music, I just add new music under the new music tab. But, since I really love this song I thought I would share, you may or may not like it but, listen to the lyrical context. The name of the group WLAK stands for We Live As Kings and the group consists of Christon Gray( The guy singing), Dre Murray(The guy rapping), Alex Faith, and Swoope. Their first joint collaboration album will be coming out Tuesday, March 5, 2013 and if you want to listen or download their free mixtapes go here. ----><----

Happy Listening!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Giving Up All of Your Worldly Ways, Why Are You Still Holding On?

Have you ever felt as though your growth in the faith was stunted? As if you only grew to a certain point and couldn't go on any further? There are many Christians who go through this for many reasons such as: thinking that they are going be firm in the faith without being surrounded by other Christians, not going to church and surrounding their selves with the rest of God's army(just because they've had a couple of bad experiences with legalistic churches), not reading the word of God as often as they should, still clubbing, drinking to get drunk, smoking to get high, still fornicating or committing adultery to achieve a so called good thing, watching stuff that they shouldn't and also, listening to things they shouldn't be etc,. When you come to Christ, you have to know that you have to turn your back to ALL of your worldly ways, not just what you want to give up. You have to realize that it's all for your good and it makes it easier when you avoid those things. So, as you and I both examine ourselves and question what we are doing that is preventing us from growing in the faith, what do you see? If you don't see anything, ask God to show you and to help you stop or get rid of whatever it is. And when he reveals it/ and or those things to you, ask him to give you the strength and self control to put it behind you and not to turn back to it. Pray that he gives you the strength to resist the temptation, and if whatever the situation is, is really hard talk to someone in the faith that you know you can trust, to help you out because they may have struggled with the same issue you are. I'm praying for you!

God Bless:)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Battling with the Flesh

Hate, envy, lust, greed, lying, stealing, cheating, etc., it's a constant battle but, God is right there besides you. He knows that we are human and we are naturally sinners, that's why we are forgiven through Christ Jesus. But, hold your horses, there is no excuse for you to sin on purpose, what does that look like to God? Especially if he knows what you are, were, and was going to do before hand. It's like you're spitting in God's face. That's why you have to put up a battle with the flesh, avoiding any kind of temptation that'll lead you astray, resisting the fleshes desires and yes my be get caught off guard and give in but, remember this... Though they stumble, they will not fall for the Lord holds them by the hand - Psalms 37:24. One of my favorite verses when I come upon impediments in my life, when the devil is messing with me or it's me against my flesh. It's best to run to God's word and him in prayer everyday and not just when, you're in trouble or need something, what do you think that looks like to God? So instead of just, giving in to you flesh go against it, put up a fight, and resist the temptation. Remember, Christ is walking with you as you confide and walk with him, stand firm and put up a huge fight!

God Bless, Have A Nice Day :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Book Review: Trip Lee: The Good Life

Author: William Lee Barefield III better known as Trip Lee
Foreword by: Matt Chandler
Pages: 169
Publisher: Moody Publishers

"Everybody wants to live the Good Life, Maybe money won't solve all of your problems. Maybe life isn't all about us. And maybe the ideas we've been sold are pointing us in the wrong direction. In this book, titled after his fourth album The Good Life, Christian rap artist and author Trip Lee unveils what the world, the flesh and the Devil promote as the ultimate and most satisfying life. He then explains what The Good Life really is: a life within our reach and yet beyond anything this world has to offer. This book aims to turn us away from the lies that have made us robots and lead us to true freedom. The road may not be easy, but it's worth it. You can be freed from your robot soul. You can live the good life."

My Review:
This is a very short informative book that has topics that ranges from Trip Lee's life before he came to Christ, the people surrounding him, his music, how wealth is futile but, doesn't satisfy, how God owns everything we have, being Christ like, enjoying the gift's God gives you, sharing the Good Life(Good News) with others and many more topics. I love how Lee talked on all sorts of topics within a page or less, going straight to the point, then to the next. Lee also, spoke on success and how society has driven this idea of what success is and if you choose another route it's all wrong. How when you finally achieve the idea of success, you don't have any determination or drive because, you've made it. Another topic I like was he introduced you to experiencing the Good Life and living it out, which most people don't know how to truly do or think that they have to clean up their selves before they come to Christ, when Christ is Cleanses you. This is all I am going to say about the book, go out and buy it or purchase it online, it's definitely not a waste of money. The book is under $10 and as of right now it is $5 and some change online, come on!, you can't beat that for an informative book with vital information and stories. 

Where to buy you ask? 

Hope you liked and and get the book.

Fruits of the Spirit, are you bearing fruits?

Fruits of the Spirit are the following: Love, Joy, Patience, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Peace, Kindness, and Self-Control. Galatians 5:22-23 is where the fruits of the spirit can be found.

You need Self-Control to apply and utilize the other fruits, so that Christs light can shine through. As, you bear these fruits it eludes from you and can be noticed by non believers, as well as believers who aren't bearing the fruits. When they are noticed it is for sure that Christ is shining and showing the goodness of his self to others, that is how you shine Christs light to non believers and other Christians that aren't producing or have fallen off of the faith. When you bear the fruits of the Spirit it is different and sometimes appealing to people, they will wonder what is up with him or her. What is it about them? Why are they so nice? Why is he/she so serene? He/she is so different. If you aren't bearing fruits and you are in the faith, maybe you are not truly right with God. Pray about it, ask God to shine or show why you aren't bearing the fruits. Pray to see if you are holding onto sin that is preventing you from bearing fruit. Fruits are an essential part as to telling that you, yourself are a Christian, as with other Christians too. The Holy Spirit shows who is and isn't a Christian without even asking that person. So, I hope that you continue to bear fruit, start to bear fruit or come to bearing fruits.

Happy Bearing!

Dating for Youth

Dating in the Youth department, brings up many arguments between the parents and children. Some sneak behind their parent and/or parents back to date and what not. While some just don't date at all either, because, they don't want to, no one approaches them or self esteem issues. I will use myself as an example. As a young adult myself, I see my peers and their reasons for or wanted to date as wrong. " He's so hot, she's so sexy, I want her, I wonder if he noticed me, the things I would do to her, etc,.", is only a fraction of what I hear my peers saying and it makes me wonder what they think about me. It is stereotyped that young adults have raging hormones and yes it's true but, it's mostly fed by what the media portrays, the images they see, what they watch, and what their flesh and heart desires, based on what they've experienced and been around. The motives and main reason for most of the youth dating, happens to by fueled by lust and physical qualities, that's why the relationships don't last past 3-6 months for the most part. As soon as that cute guy asks the girl out or the cute girl ask the boy out, they accept it. But, if a guy or girl that isn't cute or their type asks, then it is a definite no. They don't actually get to know the person first and then gradually date the person. It's always a jumping in and out of a relationship process in the youth. Also, when people date as a young adult they have sexual interactions and don't really plan on getting to know the person enough to actually abstain from sex until marriage. And I realize that because, most aren't in the faith, fall into peer pressure or don't care about how much damage it's actually causing them to just have sex. Majority of girls feel emotionally attached to a guy, after they share such a special thing with them. But, the guy may not feel the same way because, the girl gave up what they really wanted from the girl, then it's done. Then the girl is all upset, depressed and feel used, you know how it all goes. So why NOT just wait? Why not avoid the so called dating?, unless you want to get married soon. Dating should be on hold until you actually want to be in a serious relationship. Sex is a covenant between a wife and a husband after their vows and wedding ceremony. It brings an emotion that ties them together and it's a beautiful thing, it signifies a promise that, the two will remain. So practice abstinence as a young Christian male or female from sex, lust, and anything around that area. If you are really weak in abstaining from those areas, ask God in prayer to give you the strength to resist your fleshes desires and avoid anything leading to that brutal temptation. Meditate on God's word pertaining to temptation, sexual immorality, and self control. I understand that for some that it is really hard to do so,  I'll be praying for you, if you are someone like this. It's all worth it because, you become closer to God, you glorify God in another area of your life, you overall feel better, you're protected from deadly diseases and STI's, and you don't have to become emotionally attached. I've noticed that when I held on to a certain sin, it held back a part of my growth in my faith. But, when I ask God to help me to stop, remove, or get rid of it I grew more in the faith and I felt better. Yes, it can be hard but, if you really want to move on and get rid of a sin you were holding on to, you will do it and you will do it for for God. You were made in his image and Christ lives in you, remember that!

God Bless(:
P.S: If you need me to provide scripture or go into this specific topic further more, comment or email me.

Here are some Pros and Cons of dating as a young adult:
- Happiness.
- The moment.
- The Relationship.

- Lust.
- Temptation.
- Fornication.
- Feeding the Flesh.
- Relationship usually doesn't last long.
- You or the other person becomes emotionally attached.
- Resentment or hate, that rises towards the other person or by both.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tattoos and Piercings, what's the 411?

Tattoos and Piercings are the most controversial and chaotic topics within the Church. Many are totally against it and few are okay with it.

Do you want a tattoo or piercing because, the world has them and you want to blend in with the world? Do you want it to seem appealing, attractive or to draw attention to yourself?

So, let's get to it! 

   Tattoos, tattoos are permanent, unless you have loads of money to get it removed with laser surgery, more than once. It takes about 2 to 3 to 4 times dependent upon how big, colorful or in depth the tattoo is. Lots of people just get up and say let's get a tattoo without thinking twice about, how it will look when they get older, thinking of a meaning behind it or thinking about how if they don't like it later then it's there. Unless they cover it with another tattoo, which will cost even more. So my point is, most people that have tattoos, don't have the right motives behind getting them, it's just because or because it seems everyone has one except for them. Now if you are a Christian and you got a tattoo after you came to Christ, that's very provocative, vulgar, it is questionable because, it doesn't represent your faith, which means you didn't have the right motives behind it. Now if you've had tattoos like that done before you came to the Christ, that's a totally different story. But, if you still think tattoos like that are okay even after Christ, you need to reexamine that, when you accept Jesus as your Savior 'Everything Changes'. He changes your perspective on things, your sight, your viewpoint, your heart, your ways, I could go on and on and the best part is, is that it's all for your good. But if you you think tattoos like that are okay then, that means you're still holding on to some of your old sinful ways. When you come to Christ you make a complete 180, not a 170 or 175, you turn your back on all of your sins and sinful ways. So, before you go to get a tattoo think about this, Did you consult with Christ in prayer and his Word?, If you have to ask for your parents permission and they say no, you have to respect that, until you are old enough to get it on your own. What are your motives for getting the tattoo?, Are you getting one because everyone else has one?, Does that tattoo you're thinking of getting reflecting you faith or is it Christ like? Do you feel hesitant or any conviction about getting the tattoo? God may or may not want you to have a tattoo because, he knows you better than you know yourself. He may want you to have a tattoo because, he has a reason for you getting it. So, really pray about it, ask him if the tattoo that you want is okay or if you have the right motives and reasons for getting it.

I highly recommend visiting this website, as it has questions and scriptural references to answer the questions.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Help in A Time of Need

Hey y'all, so I thought that I would post an encouraging scripture today. Everton( a follower on this blog) suggested that I do daily scripture post or something that can keep you guys joined in on the blog. 

So here it is, I hope it is motivational and inspiring!

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. - Psalms 46:1 NLT

Are you going through anything currently? Are you battling with the flesh? Do you feel as though your situation is never going to get better? Is something really bothering you? 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

What is Salvation?

So, what is Salvation?

Here's what it consist of Believing+Repentance+Baptism=Salvation. Guess what? Salvation is 100% free. Do you want to know why? Because Jesus paid the price of your sins for you, 2000+ years ago. Before you, your parents, your parents parents or their parents were even thought of. He knew you, he seen you, he though of YOU when he was lashed, tortured, and crucified. He saw the greater outcome of it all, he thought that YOU was worth it all. He showed his grace, love and mercy towards you, to me, to everyone :) ! Whether he was accepted by a person or not, he gave and is still giving opportunities to come to him, he loves YOU and he wants the best for YOU. No matter how bad you think your sins are, no matter the situation you're in, he is waiting for you to come to him so that you can be forgiven, made new, granted a space in the Book of Life, and a given clean slate with him. Amazing right, he makes me smile, and makes me want to be a better example of him. 

Now lets break down Believing, Repentance, and Baptism down separately in depth.

Believing, believing is when you actually take to heart and believe, that Jesus died for your sins in order to receive remission through Repentance. Believing is when you're ready to commit and give your all to the Lord. You are ready to turn your back from the world and their ways, you are ready for change, and you are ready for Jesus to change you in a really awesome way. 

Repentance, repentance is what you do after you believe. When you repent, you are asking for forgiveness and remission of ALL of your sins. You're asking Jesus to help you, to give you an opportunity and chance to actually live. To cleanse your heart and lift that heavy burden off of your shoulders. To really open your eyes and see how reality really is and get to get you out of the fantasy like mentality.

Baptism, baptism is when your are immersed in water in JESUS name. I have to be very specific with that,because, before Jesus died on the cross, the people were baptized in The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. But, when Christ came to Earth and died, then after everyone was to be baptized in Jesus name. 

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. - Acts 2:38

(Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit, if you need the Holy Spirit explained more in depth, comment or e-mail me.)


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Alcohol and Drugs, what's up?

   Hello you guys! So there has been many debates on if alcohol and drugs are okay in the Christian community. Well, I'm going to clarify and try to clear it up today. Let's start with alcohol, there are Christians that are pro alcohol and there are Christians that are on the con side. For the Christians on the pro side they either believe it's okay to have a glass of wine, a glass of beer or whatever, just don't drink until you get drunk and out of your element. For the Christians on the con side they just think that  drinking will tempt them, they may just not want to drink at all for their selves personally, or that they don't think the alcohol has any benefits towards their relationship with Christ. Not every Christian thinks the same way, everyone has different thoughts and reasons as to why they do or do not want to drink alcohol and that's totally fine. Now most bring up that in the bible they drunk wine, which it totally true but, if you're drinking the alcohol without self control and solely for the wrong reasons give it up. Also, it's good to consult with God in prayer about whether you can or can not drink the alcohol. If you feel any kind of conviction or second thoughts don't do it. Also, if you feel as though you are being pressured by a friend, loved one, or girlfriend/boyfriend about drinking alcohol DON'T GIVE IN, especially if you don't drink, you don't want to or you feel conviction about drinking it. If they bash you or pick on you tell them that as for yourself you don't want to be associated with alcohol because, I don't feel right. And that you have been praying about it and that you feel convicted about it, that you don't want to fall into temptation. If they don't understand and they are still bashing and judging you, you need to reevaluate your relationship with that person. As for me since I'm underage, I abstain from alcohol, along with sex, drugs and all of that stuff. I don't think that I will want start drinking alcohol when I become of age, if I still have this blog then I will update you all. So overall, I recommend meditating on Gods word, praying, talking with other Christians, your Christian friends or people in your church about it.

Now, onto part two of the title "Drugs". Drugs are things such as: marijuana, tobacco, over the counter medicine( dependent upon the kind and how much you take), cocaine, crack, mali, acid, pcp, exstacy, and anything in or around that spectrum. Drugs are no question about it a NO, NO. Why? Here's why, drugs, can cause hallucination, make you out of wack, change how you think, react, and can alter you permanently. You can become addicted, attached and start to idolize drugs whether you believe it or not, becoming so dependent upon them that they start to control you and your life. Drugs can lead you into doing things that you wouldn't ever think of doing because, you aren't in control the drug is. So, if you are on drugs right now, pray sincerely to God that he will free you from the enslavement of the drugs. Seek him and talk with a church or a child of God that you can trust and you know that won't judge you but, help you instead.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Preview: Books and Reviews are Coming Soon

   Stay tuned, the first book review will be from Trip Lee: The Good Life! In case anyone wants to know, the camera I used is a Nikon Coolpix L310. I'm still getting use to it.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Struggles While In the Faith

    As Christians, just because we are in the faith, it doesn't mean that we are exempt from trials and impediments. Before, you came to the faith you've had issues, let me re-phrase that WE ALL have dealt with and faced issues. We just happened to come to a certain point in our lives, like a climax where either, God was calling us, everything seemed so overwhelming and/or it just because obvious that it was time to give our lives to Christ. People struggle with, anger issues, lust, envying, porn, masturbation, attitude problems, etc,. You get the point right. Basically, what ever it is you are dealing with, is consuming you emotionally or you want to stop but, you feel as if it just keeps happening. This is where Satan lurks, strength is optional, God is there, and prayer comes in. God will only allow Satan to go so far, Satan has to ask for God's permission to mess with us. So that means God is actually looking out for you and he wants the best for you. So, you are probably wondering, " Why would God allow me to go through this?" Well, here's why, he wants you to become a better person, gain stronger faith and depend on him more. So while, you are struggling while in the faith, God is there whether you think so or not. He wants to see if you will depend on him or someone who is powerless. I guess you could say he is testing you, I guess. But, now do you understand? God truly does want the best for you during your time of struggle, that's why you have cling to his word to talk with him, and pray sincerely and consistently. My church touched on this a little, the sermon was titled " Help for the Journey."

Here are some scriptural references to help you out:
John 14;13-20, II Corinthians 2:18(I think this was the scripture)

Grace, Love&Blessings!
Questions, Comments or Concerns? Comment or shoot me and e-mail, my e-mail is under the "Contact" tab above.

Friday, January 18, 2013

You are "Worth the Wait"

Hey, what's going on? I'm back, I saw this a while ago but, I thought that I would share it with y'all. Don't fall into the pressure or temptation when it comes to sexual interactions, lust or even committing of adultery in your heart. As Matthew 5:28 NLT says, "But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart." This verse applies to the female counterparts also. If you ever come into a situation like this, think about this poem, God and how important it is say leave it alone until marriage. I hope this poem is a blessing to all, Joseph the author of this poem, he did his thing right. Much love!
Proverbs 5:15-21


      I'm sure most of us Christians, at the beginning of our new life with Christ came to this point sooner or later about the music issue(if not don't feel left out). God as he worked in you and cleansed your heart from all of your impurities, he also changed your view point of the world, gave you a new perspective on life, and changed what you may have liked before you came into the faith. If you are music junkie like me, you more than likely thought about your iTunes library, windows media player, CD's or whatever you use to store your music. Like, " Wow, I'm not a part of the world anymore and these songs are full of all the things that God is against. But, I don't know how to make the transition and I feel like I might struggle with this for a while." If you are a person like this, talk to someone in the faith, that you can trust or won't judge you, pray about it, and if you need help with prayer feel free to email me. Now, back to the example, "Let me sort through my old music J.Cole(delete), Dwele(delete), P!NK(delete), Musiq Soulchild(delete), Kirk Franklin(keep), Chris Brown(delete), Rihanna(definitely delete) and the rest of these I'll just delete." I was the type of person who thought that they had some type of relationship with the Lord, when I didn't even know how to receive salvation by repentance, believing, and baptism. I was vaguely a hypocrite, confused and a liar not only to myself but, the people around me and to GOD! A mess right, I know but, now I'm on the right path(thank the LORD). Anyways back to the music scenario " I had all of the secular music and only a couple of gospel artist, what was the point of that? My actions and music definitely showed that I was not in the faith and that I was completely and utterly, lost. Now, there are true believers who believes that the kind of music you listen to doesn't have to be all Christian, as long as it's glorifying the Creator above. But, how do you decipher? If you have to really read, read in between the lines that song is probably a no go. But, if it's blatantly there and you know that it's glorifying God clearly then go ahead, 'with caution'. From my perspective I think it's better when you're new to the faith, to just cut out all of the music you listened to before, so that you won't fall out of the faith or into deep temptation. For a month or two, challenge yourself by listening to music that glorifies Jesus. Listen to the lyrics, meditate on the word, see if it compares to the word, see how it affects your mood and how it contrast with your other music. As, for myself when I did this, I actually enjoyed it much better than the other music, that I considered useless, and trash because, I wasn't benefiting from it. But, don't get me wrong I listen to some Micheal Jackson or some oldies every now and then. So, overall just pray, ask God to help you with your music choices, to give you a change or heart and open mind. But, you also have to be prepared for God to fulfill your prayer and not hesitate. I have a post/tab with a list of Christian artist in different genres because, not everyone enjoys the same type of music.

Happy Praying, Music revising and such things!
Questions, comments, concerns? Just contact me or comment somewhere on the blog.