Saturday, March 30, 2013

Evangelzing, are you equipped?

Yes, yes you are equipped to evangelize, that's one of our various jobs as God's children. I wanted to speak on Evangelizing, as it is throughout the Bible. Such as 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 NLT, stating that Evangelizing/Witnessing is a task that God has given us(his children) to reconcile people to him. Since God was in Christ, so that us sinners could be forgiven. Christ is in us to proclaim his name and just share what Christ has done for us, not forcefully and not demanding to the person who isn't in the faith.  But, with love and if you want to you can even tell them your testimony. Tell them what God has delivered you from, why it affected you, why it was wrong and how you're doing now.  Don't be pushy or aggravating, that will give Christ an worst name than people already make of Him and may even push the person farther away from Christ. Nervousness is normal when it comes to telling people about Christ, it's that make it or break it moment. Before you evangelize pray about it, ALWAYS pray before you try to evangelize. Pray for gentleness, peace, self-control, God's grace to lead you and whatever God feels you need to do so. Remember that if a person doesn't give their life to Christ that they maybe aren't meant to or not at that moment. Also, remember that you CAN NOT save the person, CHRIST is the only one that can change their heart. Enjoy this video on evangelizing!


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