Fruits of the Spirit are the following: Love, Joy, Patience, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Peace, Kindness, and Self-Control. Galatians 5:22-23 is where the fruits of the spirit can be found.
You need Self-Control to apply and utilize the other fruits, so that Christs light can shine through. As, you bear these fruits it eludes from you and can be noticed by non believers, as well as believers who aren't bearing the fruits. When they are noticed it is for sure that Christ is shining and showing the goodness of his self to others, that is how you shine Christs light to non believers and other Christians that aren't producing or have fallen off of the faith. When you bear the fruits of the Spirit it is different and sometimes appealing to people, they will wonder what is up with him or her. What is it about them? Why are they so nice? Why is he/she so serene? He/she is so different. If you aren't bearing fruits and you are in the faith, maybe you are not truly right with God. Pray about it, ask God to shine or show why you aren't bearing the fruits. Pray to see if you are holding onto sin that is preventing you from bearing fruit. Fruits are an essential part as to telling that you, yourself are a Christian, as with other Christians too. The Holy Spirit shows who is and isn't a Christian without even asking that person. So, I hope that you continue to bear fruit, start to bear fruit or come to bearing fruits.
Happy Bearing!
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