Dating in the Youth department, brings up many arguments between the parents and children. Some sneak behind their parent and/or parents back to date and what not. While some just don't date at all either, because, they don't want to, no one approaches them or self esteem issues. I will use myself as an example. As a young adult myself, I see my peers and their reasons for or wanted to date as wrong. " He's so hot, she's so sexy, I want her, I wonder if he noticed me, the things I would do to her, etc,.", is only a fraction of what I hear my peers saying and it makes me wonder what they think about me. It is stereotyped that young adults have raging hormones and yes it's true but, it's mostly fed by what the media portrays, the images they see, what they watch, and what their flesh and heart desires, based on what they've experienced and been around. The motives and main reason for most of the youth dating, happens to by fueled by lust and physical qualities, that's why the relationships don't last past 3-6 months for the most part. As soon as that cute guy asks the girl out or the cute girl ask the boy out, they accept it. But, if a guy or girl that isn't cute or their type asks, then it is a definite no. They don't actually get to know the person first and then gradually date the person. It's always a jumping in and out of a relationship process in the youth. Also, when people date as a young adult they have sexual interactions and don't really plan on getting to know the person enough to actually abstain from sex until marriage. And I realize that because, most aren't in the faith, fall into peer pressure or don't care about how much damage it's actually causing them to just have sex. Majority of girls feel emotionally attached to a guy, after they share such a special thing with them. But, the guy may not feel the same way because, the girl gave up what they really wanted from the girl, then it's done. Then the girl is all upset, depressed and feel used, you know how it all goes. So why NOT just wait? Why not avoid the so called dating?, unless you want to get married soon. Dating should be on hold until you actually want to be in a serious relationship. Sex is a covenant between a wife and a husband after their vows and wedding ceremony. It brings an emotion that ties them together and it's a beautiful thing, it signifies a promise that, the two will remain. So practice abstinence as a young Christian male or female from sex, lust, and anything around that area. If you are really weak in abstaining from those areas, ask God in prayer to give you the strength to resist your fleshes desires and avoid anything leading to that brutal temptation. Meditate on God's word pertaining to temptation, sexual immorality, and self control. I understand that for some that it is really hard to do so, I'll be praying for you, if you are someone like this. It's all worth it because, you become closer to God, you glorify God in another area of your life, you overall feel better, you're protected from deadly diseases and STI's, and you don't have to become emotionally attached. I've noticed that when I held on to a certain sin, it held back a part of my growth in my faith. But, when I ask God to help me to stop, remove, or get rid of it I grew more in the faith and I felt better. Yes, it can be hard but, if you really want to move on and get rid of a sin you were holding on to, you will do it and you will do it for for God. You were made in his image and Christ lives in you, remember that!
God Bless(:
P.S: If you need me to provide scripture or go into this specific topic further more, comment or email me.
Here are some Pros and Cons of dating as a young adult:
- Happiness.
- The moment.
- The Relationship.
- Lust.
- Temptation.
- Fornication.
- Feeding the Flesh.
- Relationship usually doesn't last long.
- You or the other person becomes emotionally attached.
- Resentment or hate, that rises towards the other person or by both.
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