Saturday, February 23, 2013

Giving Up All of Your Worldly Ways, Why Are You Still Holding On?

Have you ever felt as though your growth in the faith was stunted? As if you only grew to a certain point and couldn't go on any further? There are many Christians who go through this for many reasons such as: thinking that they are going be firm in the faith without being surrounded by other Christians, not going to church and surrounding their selves with the rest of God's army(just because they've had a couple of bad experiences with legalistic churches), not reading the word of God as often as they should, still clubbing, drinking to get drunk, smoking to get high, still fornicating or committing adultery to achieve a so called good thing, watching stuff that they shouldn't and also, listening to things they shouldn't be etc,. When you come to Christ, you have to know that you have to turn your back to ALL of your worldly ways, not just what you want to give up. You have to realize that it's all for your good and it makes it easier when you avoid those things. So, as you and I both examine ourselves and question what we are doing that is preventing us from growing in the faith, what do you see? If you don't see anything, ask God to show you and to help you stop or get rid of whatever it is. And when he reveals it/ and or those things to you, ask him to give you the strength and self control to put it behind you and not to turn back to it. Pray that he gives you the strength to resist the temptation, and if whatever the situation is, is really hard talk to someone in the faith that you know you can trust, to help you out because they may have struggled with the same issue you are. I'm praying for you!

God Bless:)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Battling with the Flesh

Hate, envy, lust, greed, lying, stealing, cheating, etc., it's a constant battle but, God is right there besides you. He knows that we are human and we are naturally sinners, that's why we are forgiven through Christ Jesus. But, hold your horses, there is no excuse for you to sin on purpose, what does that look like to God? Especially if he knows what you are, were, and was going to do before hand. It's like you're spitting in God's face. That's why you have to put up a battle with the flesh, avoiding any kind of temptation that'll lead you astray, resisting the fleshes desires and yes my be get caught off guard and give in but, remember this... Though they stumble, they will not fall for the Lord holds them by the hand - Psalms 37:24. One of my favorite verses when I come upon impediments in my life, when the devil is messing with me or it's me against my flesh. It's best to run to God's word and him in prayer everyday and not just when, you're in trouble or need something, what do you think that looks like to God? So instead of just, giving in to you flesh go against it, put up a fight, and resist the temptation. Remember, Christ is walking with you as you confide and walk with him, stand firm and put up a huge fight!

God Bless, Have A Nice Day :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Book Review: Trip Lee: The Good Life

Author: William Lee Barefield III better known as Trip Lee
Foreword by: Matt Chandler
Pages: 169
Publisher: Moody Publishers

"Everybody wants to live the Good Life, Maybe money won't solve all of your problems. Maybe life isn't all about us. And maybe the ideas we've been sold are pointing us in the wrong direction. In this book, titled after his fourth album The Good Life, Christian rap artist and author Trip Lee unveils what the world, the flesh and the Devil promote as the ultimate and most satisfying life. He then explains what The Good Life really is: a life within our reach and yet beyond anything this world has to offer. This book aims to turn us away from the lies that have made us robots and lead us to true freedom. The road may not be easy, but it's worth it. You can be freed from your robot soul. You can live the good life."

My Review:
This is a very short informative book that has topics that ranges from Trip Lee's life before he came to Christ, the people surrounding him, his music, how wealth is futile but, doesn't satisfy, how God owns everything we have, being Christ like, enjoying the gift's God gives you, sharing the Good Life(Good News) with others and many more topics. I love how Lee talked on all sorts of topics within a page or less, going straight to the point, then to the next. Lee also, spoke on success and how society has driven this idea of what success is and if you choose another route it's all wrong. How when you finally achieve the idea of success, you don't have any determination or drive because, you've made it. Another topic I like was he introduced you to experiencing the Good Life and living it out, which most people don't know how to truly do or think that they have to clean up their selves before they come to Christ, when Christ is Cleanses you. This is all I am going to say about the book, go out and buy it or purchase it online, it's definitely not a waste of money. The book is under $10 and as of right now it is $5 and some change online, come on!, you can't beat that for an informative book with vital information and stories. 

Where to buy you ask? 

Hope you liked and and get the book.

Fruits of the Spirit, are you bearing fruits?

Fruits of the Spirit are the following: Love, Joy, Patience, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Peace, Kindness, and Self-Control. Galatians 5:22-23 is where the fruits of the spirit can be found.

You need Self-Control to apply and utilize the other fruits, so that Christs light can shine through. As, you bear these fruits it eludes from you and can be noticed by non believers, as well as believers who aren't bearing the fruits. When they are noticed it is for sure that Christ is shining and showing the goodness of his self to others, that is how you shine Christs light to non believers and other Christians that aren't producing or have fallen off of the faith. When you bear the fruits of the Spirit it is different and sometimes appealing to people, they will wonder what is up with him or her. What is it about them? Why are they so nice? Why is he/she so serene? He/she is so different. If you aren't bearing fruits and you are in the faith, maybe you are not truly right with God. Pray about it, ask God to shine or show why you aren't bearing the fruits. Pray to see if you are holding onto sin that is preventing you from bearing fruit. Fruits are an essential part as to telling that you, yourself are a Christian, as with other Christians too. The Holy Spirit shows who is and isn't a Christian without even asking that person. So, I hope that you continue to bear fruit, start to bear fruit or come to bearing fruits.

Happy Bearing!

Dating for Youth

Dating in the Youth department, brings up many arguments between the parents and children. Some sneak behind their parent and/or parents back to date and what not. While some just don't date at all either, because, they don't want to, no one approaches them or self esteem issues. I will use myself as an example. As a young adult myself, I see my peers and their reasons for or wanted to date as wrong. " He's so hot, she's so sexy, I want her, I wonder if he noticed me, the things I would do to her, etc,.", is only a fraction of what I hear my peers saying and it makes me wonder what they think about me. It is stereotyped that young adults have raging hormones and yes it's true but, it's mostly fed by what the media portrays, the images they see, what they watch, and what their flesh and heart desires, based on what they've experienced and been around. The motives and main reason for most of the youth dating, happens to by fueled by lust and physical qualities, that's why the relationships don't last past 3-6 months for the most part. As soon as that cute guy asks the girl out or the cute girl ask the boy out, they accept it. But, if a guy or girl that isn't cute or their type asks, then it is a definite no. They don't actually get to know the person first and then gradually date the person. It's always a jumping in and out of a relationship process in the youth. Also, when people date as a young adult they have sexual interactions and don't really plan on getting to know the person enough to actually abstain from sex until marriage. And I realize that because, most aren't in the faith, fall into peer pressure or don't care about how much damage it's actually causing them to just have sex. Majority of girls feel emotionally attached to a guy, after they share such a special thing with them. But, the guy may not feel the same way because, the girl gave up what they really wanted from the girl, then it's done. Then the girl is all upset, depressed and feel used, you know how it all goes. So why NOT just wait? Why not avoid the so called dating?, unless you want to get married soon. Dating should be on hold until you actually want to be in a serious relationship. Sex is a covenant between a wife and a husband after their vows and wedding ceremony. It brings an emotion that ties them together and it's a beautiful thing, it signifies a promise that, the two will remain. So practice abstinence as a young Christian male or female from sex, lust, and anything around that area. If you are really weak in abstaining from those areas, ask God in prayer to give you the strength to resist your fleshes desires and avoid anything leading to that brutal temptation. Meditate on God's word pertaining to temptation, sexual immorality, and self control. I understand that for some that it is really hard to do so,  I'll be praying for you, if you are someone like this. It's all worth it because, you become closer to God, you glorify God in another area of your life, you overall feel better, you're protected from deadly diseases and STI's, and you don't have to become emotionally attached. I've noticed that when I held on to a certain sin, it held back a part of my growth in my faith. But, when I ask God to help me to stop, remove, or get rid of it I grew more in the faith and I felt better. Yes, it can be hard but, if you really want to move on and get rid of a sin you were holding on to, you will do it and you will do it for for God. You were made in his image and Christ lives in you, remember that!

God Bless(:
P.S: If you need me to provide scripture or go into this specific topic further more, comment or email me.

Here are some Pros and Cons of dating as a young adult:
- Happiness.
- The moment.
- The Relationship.

- Lust.
- Temptation.
- Fornication.
- Feeding the Flesh.
- Relationship usually doesn't last long.
- You or the other person becomes emotionally attached.
- Resentment or hate, that rises towards the other person or by both.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tattoos and Piercings, what's the 411?

Tattoos and Piercings are the most controversial and chaotic topics within the Church. Many are totally against it and few are okay with it.

Do you want a tattoo or piercing because, the world has them and you want to blend in with the world? Do you want it to seem appealing, attractive or to draw attention to yourself?

So, let's get to it! 

   Tattoos, tattoos are permanent, unless you have loads of money to get it removed with laser surgery, more than once. It takes about 2 to 3 to 4 times dependent upon how big, colorful or in depth the tattoo is. Lots of people just get up and say let's get a tattoo without thinking twice about, how it will look when they get older, thinking of a meaning behind it or thinking about how if they don't like it later then it's there. Unless they cover it with another tattoo, which will cost even more. So my point is, most people that have tattoos, don't have the right motives behind getting them, it's just because or because it seems everyone has one except for them. Now if you are a Christian and you got a tattoo after you came to Christ, that's very provocative, vulgar, it is questionable because, it doesn't represent your faith, which means you didn't have the right motives behind it. Now if you've had tattoos like that done before you came to the Christ, that's a totally different story. But, if you still think tattoos like that are okay even after Christ, you need to reexamine that, when you accept Jesus as your Savior 'Everything Changes'. He changes your perspective on things, your sight, your viewpoint, your heart, your ways, I could go on and on and the best part is, is that it's all for your good. But if you you think tattoos like that are okay then, that means you're still holding on to some of your old sinful ways. When you come to Christ you make a complete 180, not a 170 or 175, you turn your back on all of your sins and sinful ways. So, before you go to get a tattoo think about this, Did you consult with Christ in prayer and his Word?, If you have to ask for your parents permission and they say no, you have to respect that, until you are old enough to get it on your own. What are your motives for getting the tattoo?, Are you getting one because everyone else has one?, Does that tattoo you're thinking of getting reflecting you faith or is it Christ like? Do you feel hesitant or any conviction about getting the tattoo? God may or may not want you to have a tattoo because, he knows you better than you know yourself. He may want you to have a tattoo because, he has a reason for you getting it. So, really pray about it, ask him if the tattoo that you want is okay or if you have the right motives and reasons for getting it.

I highly recommend visiting this website, as it has questions and scriptural references to answer the questions.