Sunday, July 28, 2013

Update: Life and Various topics

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay of posts I have good reasons though. I went to visit my family along with my dad for three weeks. For those who want to know, yes my parents are divorced. So, since I only get to see them during the summer; I've been going consistently for about four years. On and off before then. This is my last summer I spent with them because, I am now a senior. So, I've been planning and getting ready for this busy scheduled year ahead of me. My family is distressed and saddened  about how fast time has flown by, how I'm now about to be let out of the bird cage to fly. I'm a first child, my dad's only child and a first grandchild imagine that kind of toll. Within these three weeks I've messed up as far as lustful thoughts and was upset over it. I couldn't dwell on it, but move on. I've been praying for a heart that lusts for godliness, trusts Him 100% and truly lets Him lead my life. Along with obedience to Him and submissiveness from here on out. To be honest, I wanted to dwell on those lustful thoughts. I knew it was the opposite of what represents God, it was my own desires and my flesh. Which is why I have to kill my own desires and thoughts that aren't Godly and replace it with my Savior. Romans 7 is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Check it out! I've been overwhelmed and super grateful by how Abba has been working in my life; within a little over a year that I've been saved. Along with listening, answering my prayers and over blessing me overall. His Word is a blessing in itself. I know he's always listening and answering prayers, but you(well I) never truly appreciated(took for granted) how giving, considerate, understanding and loving(I could go on) of a God I serve. I love talking about my Father, I love him and he makes me blush and smile of happiness :). I could go on, but I'm gonna cut it short. Thank you guys, thank you for reading and I'll be praying for you.


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