Sorry I've been neglecting you guys! I really haven't had any post that I've felt compelled to write about. I'm out of school, so I should have more time to think and write post more frequently. I've been on my music fast since, the 14th of May it's going to be over on the 11th of June. I've learned during this fast that music had a greater role in my life than I thought it had, that I was actually idolizing my music and that I need to cut out how much I listen to music and communicate more with my family. Looking up the lyrics is the same as listening! But, even though I was on this music fast I went on face book and stuff more than the music I'm fasting from. I need balance and consistency in my life. I find my self on electronics more than reading the Word when it should be vice-versa. Everyday I learn, grow and mature into a greater young woman of God. I hope to help and encourage you guys on your walk with Christ; as much as you all encourage me. Also, sorry if I don't accept your invitations to communities, adds and connections with me a.s.a.p. I try my best to add you all back, accept invitations and communicate back with you all. Hope you understand!
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