Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Physical Sexual Immorality, but what about Spiritual Sexual Immorality?

Often times it is stressed to stay physically pure and away from sexual immorality. My question is what about staying spiritually pure? Why is that more set aside and pushed away, more so than the physical aspects of sexual immorality overall. Being spiritually immoral is the same as being physical, if you're thinking  lustfully or whatever it is you are committing it(sin). What about 1 Corinthians 6 and on? We need to stop making excuses for our sins and be submissive to God. When you're submissive to God it prepares you to be submissive to your future husband or wife. Keeping making war again yourself, flesh and sin. Praying for y'all! Just cause the media exploits sexual materials to everyone and everyone's doing it. It doesn't mean you have to. Stay pure spiritually and physically single or married!

P.S- Keep fighting the good fight, you grow more:)

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