Sunday, January 20, 2013

Struggles While In the Faith

    As Christians, just because we are in the faith, it doesn't mean that we are exempt from trials and impediments. Before, you came to the faith you've had issues, let me re-phrase that WE ALL have dealt with and faced issues. We just happened to come to a certain point in our lives, like a climax where either, God was calling us, everything seemed so overwhelming and/or it just because obvious that it was time to give our lives to Christ. People struggle with, anger issues, lust, envying, porn, masturbation, attitude problems, etc,. You get the point right. Basically, what ever it is you are dealing with, is consuming you emotionally or you want to stop but, you feel as if it just keeps happening. This is where Satan lurks, strength is optional, God is there, and prayer comes in. God will only allow Satan to go so far, Satan has to ask for God's permission to mess with us. So that means God is actually looking out for you and he wants the best for you. So, you are probably wondering, " Why would God allow me to go through this?" Well, here's why, he wants you to become a better person, gain stronger faith and depend on him more. So while, you are struggling while in the faith, God is there whether you think so or not. He wants to see if you will depend on him or someone who is powerless. I guess you could say he is testing you, I guess. But, now do you understand? God truly does want the best for you during your time of struggle, that's why you have cling to his word to talk with him, and pray sincerely and consistently. My church touched on this a little, the sermon was titled " Help for the Journey."

Here are some scriptural references to help you out:
John 14;13-20, II Corinthians 2:18(I think this was the scripture)

Grace, Love&Blessings!
Questions, Comments or Concerns? Comment or shoot me and e-mail, my e-mail is under the "Contact" tab above.

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